Eesti keeles

Yuri Dyrin
Erzya ethno-futurist painter
born August 25, 1967

The works of Yuri Dyrin are similar in spirit to these of other young Finno-Ugric artists in search of new ways of expression during the last 10 years (the Mari Alexander Ivanov, the Komi Pavel Mikushev, the Udmurt Sergei Orlov et al). Parallel developments in Estonian art appear in the works of Albert Gulk and Navitrolla. Yuri Dyrin’s large-sized paintings express in bright colours an understanding of his people’s traditional religion. The colour pattern seen in his paintings coincides with that of national costumes and other traditional handicraft of the Erzya people. The works of this school - called the ethno-futurist school in Estonia - often depict fantastic creatures (protective spirits and the like) known from the folklore of the people of the artist’s origin. Yuri Dyrin’s creation is likewise interesting in the different styles he uses.

Navitrolla has specially selected Dyrin’s works for the exhibition in his gallery.

Dyrin’s first visit to Estonia took place in August 1998, when he participated in the camp of young Finno-Ugric artists in Piirissaar. He had exhibitions in Tartu, 1999, and in Tallinn, 2001.

Works exhibited in Estonia:

  1. King of the Forest 90 × 70
  2. Water Sprite 50 × 70
  3. Spirit of the Country 70 × 90
  4. Sleepwalker 100 × 70
  5. Ethnic Prayer 60 × 70
  6. Country Bird 60 × 70
  7. The Jester with the Whistle 70 × 90
  8. Bright Dream 50 × 90
  9. Chud and Merya 70 × 90
  10. Buck 70 × 90

Read and see more: Mordvin Aethnofuturism - Y.Dyrin's Aethnofuturistic Paintings

SURI, 2001