

of the Working Group of Media and Information
at the Consultative Committee of the Finno-Ugric Peoples


The objective of the working group is to contribute to the formation of a unified information space of the Finno-Ugric peoples.


The functions of the working group are:

Guaranteeing of operative and unimpeded exchange of information between the Finno-Ugric peoples;

Providing the Finno-Ugric peoples with access to global information sources;

Presentation of information about the Finno-Ugric peoples to the world community;

Promotion of joint exploitation of information resources;

Preparation of proposals for the Consultative Committee in the sphere of media and information, assistance in putting the corresponding resolutions of the Consultative Committee to practice.


Every interested person or legal entity having specific proposals or projects that are in accordance with the objective of the working group may participate in the activities of the group.

Natalia Sokratovna Ruzanova, Director RCI, (Region Centre of Informatization) Vice-Rector on informatization of Petrozavodsk State University, member of the Co-ordinating Council of the Republic of Kareilia on computerization;

Aleksander Ivanovitch Kirjanen, Vice-Chairman of the Interregional Union of Ingrian Finns Inkerin Liitto, editor of the journal Inkerin Uutiset, Assistant Professor of St. Petersburg University;

Yevgeniy Nikolayevitch Rozhkin, Deputy Minister of National Affairs of Komi Republic;

Gabriella Benkó, Hungarian Organisation of the World Congress of the Finno-Ugric Peoples, contributor to the Hungarian TV;

Andres Heinapuu, Manager of the Information Centre of the Finno-Ugric Peoples (SURI) at the Fenno-Ugria Foundation;

Piret Suurväli, Estonian TV;

Vasiliy Yanalov, Deputy Minister of Cultural and National Affairs of Mari El;

Hannu Oittinen, Taifuuni Publishers (Finland).

The co-ordinators are appointed and substituted by the Consultative Committee on the grounds of the relevant applications.

Responsibilities of the Co-ordinators

Gathering of information in their respective regions or appointed spheres of activity, presentation of information to the Co-ordination Centre;

Dissemination of information in their respective regions or appointed spheres of activity;

Preparation of projects and contribution to their fulfilment;

Fulfilment of the agreements of the working group.

Co-ordination Centre of the Working group of Media and Informatics

The Co-ordination Centre can be a legal person.

The Co-ordination Centre is the Fenno-Ugria Foundation in the person of the Information Centre of the Finno-Ugric Peoples (at the above-mentioned Foundation).


Control over the gathering and storing of information about projects, data banks, mass media, sources of funding, as well as guaranteeing the accessibility of such information;

Convocation of the working group according to necessity.


From the specially assigned resources of the Consultative Committee;

From additional resources obtained for the realisation of specific projects.