News Station
- Name: Drum
- Principle of activity: editors from
various Fenno-Ugric areas can send the news station short
news or ideas for stories. The length can be maximum 10
rows, language either Russian or English.
- Other media channels can order stories on
the basis of these news ideas, which then can be
published in the appropriate country in appropriate
language. Normal royalties will be paid for these
- These news themes and ideas must deal with
national problems that are acute and interesting for all
the world.
- The most interesting themes are for
example environmental crimes, crimes against human rights
etc. Also, human interest themes in which the
contemporary editors, writers, fighters for human rights
ets. will be interviewed.
Tallinn, on the seminary of Fenno-Ugric editors
Kirsikka Moring,
Representative of working group No. 2.
to the English index