fifth Finno-Ugric Calendar, informing the user of the festive
days, folklore and culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples, has been published
as a result of the third joint effort of the Estonian
Academy of Arts and the NPO
This time
the central topic of the calendar is HOME,
i.e. a person's everyday necessaries and environment. To quote Ingrid
Rüütel's substantial text on the back cover: “Every culture is characterised
by a dynamism of old an new elements. The dialectics of stability and
change is reflected, among else, in words. As vocabulary is the most
changeable part of language, there are not very many ancient words shared
by the Finno-Ugric languages today. Kodu 'home' is one of the few. The
kod-stem, whatever its modifications and semantic nuances (dwelling,
cottage, summer cookhouse, building, even womb) is familiar to all Finno-Ugrians.”
Each page
of the hanging calendar (size A3, with a spiral binding) is dedicated
to a different Finno-Ugric ethnos, bringing folklorist and ethnographic
information on the Udmurt, Mari, Komi, Estonian, Erzyan, Hungarian,
Livonian, Mansi, Karelian and Vepsian peoples.
The back cover carries small calendars of 2006 and 2007, and a map showing
the areas inhabited, among others, by Finno-Ugrians.
The calendar
is illustrated by Kadri Viires's selection
of the fieldwork drawings and photos made by students of the Academy
of Arts, and some drawings from the Estonian
National Museum.
The list
of memorable dates and the accompanying texts were selected by Kristi
Salve. The texts have been translated into Estonian by Kristi Salve,
into English by Sirje Ainsaar, into Russian by Tatyana Nikitina, and
into Finnish by Henni Ilomäki. The editing was done by Eha Viluoja,
the design by Tiit Rammul.
The publication
was financially supported by the Kindred
Peoples Programme while some support is still expected from the
Cultural Endowment.
The calendar has been published in two language combinations: Estonian-English
and Russian-Finnish. The total circulation is 2000.
should be filed with Elo Lutsepp (Estonian Academy of Arts, publisher)
at tel.: +372 62 67 367; e-mail:, or with Eha Viluoja (NPO
Fenno-Ugria) at tel.: +372 64 45 119; e-mail:
The calendars
will soon be available in bookshops and at national events such as the
Song Festival, the Baltica
Folklore Festival and the 4th
World Congress of the Finno-Ugric Peoples. The compilers would be
happy, if everyone interested could buy the calendar in their home country,
whatever the quarter.