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The concept of monoperformance 'Three wedding tunes' (Kuin' syuan gur'yos) based on the motifs of Udmurt folklore


In the worldview, as well as in the very language of the Udmurts, the image of the Wedding has an important place.

The birth of a person marks his or her Wedding with Life (Nuny Syuan). The marriage ceremony is called Wedding with a Human (Syuan). When the person dies, it is perceived as Wedding with Death, or literally as 'wedding the other way round' (Myddorin' Syuan). Wedding accompanies an Udmurt through the whole life. Thus, the rite conducted on the occasion of field sowing is called Field Wedding. In general, wedding means a symbolical, magical, sacred union. The stage performance 'Three Wedding Tunes', based on authentic folklore, is played in the Udmurt language. Nevertheless it is easily understood without any knowledge of the language, considering its universal content and the universal expressive means and symbols applied.

Philosophically, the idea of the performance might be put in this way. A person comes into the world and then departs, but this departure means a new return, because of the mystical and philosophical character of human existence: it is a circle that lasts and repeats infinitely.

The soul is compared with a bell. The bell will be back in the world and belong to someone else, while someone other will lose his or her bell. There is always someone who is born and someone who dies.

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