of the project : Lobanov Yury Nikolaevich (Kuchiran Yuri), member of Artist
Union of RF, The State Prize of UR winner,
artistic editor of "Literary Publishing House "Udmurtia", promoter
of the municipal non-commercial public organization “Odomaa”
Term of carrying
out the project: 9-12 of July, 2004
Applications are to be sent till the 1st of May,
Operational languages: Udmurt, Russian, English.
The manager of the project: Harchenko Stepan Sergeevich, manager of municipal
non-commercial public organization
for festival "Yur-Yar"
annotation of the project.
Yur-Yar wants to achieve the idea where ethnofuturism gets activated and further
developed in many regions of Udmurt Republic, Tatarstan and Finno-Ugric world,
with special attention paid to reproducing and developing cultural and ideological
identities, which are capable of increasing efficiency of social management
with the help of active communication via Internet. Portal
is being provided with a post server, a forum, an authorized system of publishing
data, a post distribution and a multimedia dialogue available there.
organizations, responsible for the participants to take part in the festival
are in charge for travel expenses. The organizations arranging the festival
are in charge for accommodation, sustenance and journeys within the borders
of Udmurtia. This project is aimed at solving the following problems:
- maintaining collective self-awareness of ethnoculture of the udmurts living
in the urban area and in Alnashsky District by provoking and activating their
ethnocultural self-awareness
- maintaining ideological identity by introducing representatives of different
nationalities (Finno -Ugric, Slavic, Turkish) into this environment
- revealing all possible ways of cross-cultural and ideological dialogue by
means of active ethnofuturistic udmurt game, called "Yur-Yar dialogue"
in the course of the festival, which will take place from the 9th to the 11th
of July
- mutual cultural enrichement of all the participants of the festival, achieved
by their taking active part and coping with creative competition during the
fectival, including producing sacred fire in an archaic "udmurt"
way as one of the major part of the game.
Townsfolk plunge into harmony of cultural and human relations, and countryfolk
get aware of and close to futuristic splashes of town culture, based on traditional
folk culture but interspersed with borrowings of the best world cultural items
without leaving home.
The main steps taken in order to organize the festival are given/displayed/mirrored
in mass media of Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Finn - Ugric newspaper
"Kudo-Kudo", which is published in Ioshcor-Ola city and
distributed in Russia and abroad, in radiojournal "Finn-Ugric
World" of STRC ''Udmurtia", broadcasting in all Finn-Ugric
regions of Russia, in Estonian art-magazine "",
in Finnish magazine "Alkukoti" and circulation of information
via network of international information posting,
Total number
of participants is 80 people (Udmurtia, Tatorstan, Bashkortostan, Komi, Mary
El, Mordovia, Chuvashia, Carelia, Permsky area, Krasnoyatsky Region, Estonia,
Finland, Hungary).
In the project
are involved following institutions: informal creative group "Odomaa",
Ministry of National Politics of Udmurt Republic, All-Udmurt Assotiation "Udmurt
Kenesh", Regional Social Movement "Udmurt Culture Society",
Ministry of Culture of Udmurt Republic", Artist Union of Udmurt Republic,
Ministry of National Education of Udmurt Republic, the Youth Policy Committee
(Udmurtia), concerned ministries and departments of Finno-Ugric countries
and regions of Russia, Udmurt Republic Museum of Fine Arts (URMFA), Artist
Union of Naberezhny Chelny town, creative group "Tamga", Folk Friendship
House, Administration of Alnashsky District (Udmurt Republic), Administration
of the Bayteryakovo village (Alnashsky District), staff of Bayteryakovo secondary
school, Fenno-Ugria Foundation (Estonia), Related Folks Project (Estonia),
the Students’organization of the University of Helsinki (SKV-HYY).
for festival "Yur-Yar".
of July
Arrival of the participants and guests.
1 p.m.-2 p.m.- dinner
5 p.m.- opening of the festival in Udmurt Republic Museum of Fine Arts (exhibition,
perfomances, happenings with all the participants taking part, including guests
from Alnashsky District, lunch)
9 p.m.- supper
of July
8.30 a.m.-9.30 a.m.- breakfast
10 a.m.- departure for Bayteryakovo village, Alnashsky District
2 p.m.-3 p.m.-dinner
4 p.m.- opening of the festival in Bayteryakovo village ( exhibition of decorative-applied
art of schoolchildren and people of the region, personal exhibition of shtandarts
"In Lipet" (Sacred tent), literary and art perfomances, happenings)
6 p.m.- climax of the festival - magnificent national game "Yur-Yar"
with all the delegations of the festival taking part as well as countryfolk
of Bayteryakovo village, these of nearest villages, schoolchildren of Bayteryakovo's
secondary school, national Udmurt cuisine, merry festival till the morning
of July
8.30 a.m.-9.00a.m.- breakfast in Udmurt families
9.30 a.m.- departure of the delegations into local schools, villages of Alnashsky
District with master-classes, lectures on contemporary ethnofuturistic forms
and types of art
1 p.m.-2 p.m.-dinner
3 p.m.- trance-mass-meditative happening "Soya-Taya" on the high
bank of the Kama in the area of Golushermy village with all the forms and
types of art being used simultaneously
6 p.m- departure for Izhevsk
9 p.m.- farewell supper
of July
8 a.m.- 9a.m.- breakfast
10 a.m.- press conference
departure of the delegations
of National Politics minister Larisa Buranova
coordinator of the project
note about the organization, carrying out the project Creative group "Odomaa"
appeared in 1998 after the 2nd International conference on ethnofuturism,
which took place in Izhevsk. The group deals with spreading and developing
ethnofuturistic movement in Udmurt Republic, regions of Russia and abroad
as a creative studio aimed at generating new splashes in art. The group has
already arranged 8 International ethnofuturistic festivals. Since autumn of
2003 the group has bee registered as a noncommercial organization. Izhevsk
municipal noncommercial public organization "Odomaa" 426063 Izhevsk
Kluchevoy posyolok street 81/8